Month: July 2022

the Young Woman Who Dares to Challenge the Scientific Community

For the first time in the past, a little daughter woman predicts successfully major earthquakes without even as being a seismologist!

Anna Giakoumaki isn’t going to only predict correctly major earthquakes but she analyzes also live the way in which she follows to generate a prediction.

She signs as “Anna G.” (Anna Giakoumaki) and he or she is Not a scientist! This fact doesn’t stop her from predicting major earthquakes and challenging the scientific community. The worst is always that her “predictions” are correct. How can she know? And if she will predict an essential earthquake without as being a seismologist, exactly what are we doing wrong? On her website (, we found this alazonic post; “On USGS website we come across this reply to the question “Can you predict earthquakes?”: “Neither the USGS nor every other scientists have ever predicted an essential earthquake. We do not understand how, therefore we do not expect to understand how any time later on… “.

It’s time for it to show you how you predict a significant Earthquake!

As it appears stupidly simple to predict a significant Earthquake with just 3 signs (and that we know that), before we publish the “Greek System”, we’ve tried to give it a look by ourselves and locate these 3 signs on ~8000-Earthquake Continuity of U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Catalog. It was IN the Predictions 98% if your 2% was each and every time one of the 2 Extremely Rare Cases. That’s why we share this System along, therefore we take the great “risk”, to produce our Predictions Live (You realize needless to say how momentous a Live Prediction is, in addition to the consequences for individuals). Let’s leave the reality to speak for their own reasons and time can have us if your forecasting of a serious Earthquake was such simple in any way… !!! If our Predictions are correct, this could be the proof that you will be missing something within the understanding around the Energy on Earth. Let’s take action!”.